We Had To Ask – Stanley O’Donnell

Posted by: in We Had to Ask on December 14th

Inside Out: Beginning on a personal note, where were you born and raised?

Stanley O’Donnell: I was born in Fredericton, NB and raised along the Miramichi River, NB.

IO: Did you go to college? And, if so, when and where?

SO: Northeast Christian College, 1996–1999 (UPCI endorsed Bible College).

IO: Tell us about your family?

SO: Married Pamela Bunnell in June 1998, and we have three children (Josh-10, Joel-6, Ella-4). I am a Pastor and Youth President; Pam is a faithful wife and mother who loves to read. Josh is a major sports fan, Joel is crazy about animals, and Ella loves anything about princesses. We love to travel and enjoy family time.

IO: What is your favorite food?

SO: Chicken Bacon Ranch and chocolate chip cookies from Subway!

IO: If you could have dinner with one person that is alive today and that you have never met, who would it be?

SO: George W. Bush and Rev. Kenneth Haney

IO: Who is your historical hero?

SO: Abraham Lincoln—and also the Canadian, US, and British Soldiers in the D-Day invasion of Normandy, France on June 6, 1944.

IO: Do you have a hobby?

SO: Hockey, Baseball, Golf, and History

IO: What is your favorite book?

SO: “The New Millennium” by Jack Cunningham

IO: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

SO: Besides New Brunswick, Canada… probably the Caribbean.

IO: If someone wrote a biography of your life, what would be the title?

SO: “If God can use me, He can use anybody! J”

IO: Has there ever been a time when you felt like you didn’t know God’s will?

SO: Yes, many times. I have found the will of God is a process; just keep your hand in the hand of the Lord and let Him guide you one step at a time.

IO: When did you first know you were called to preach?

SO: When I attended a Bible College graduation service as a teen.

IO: Is it what you imagined?

SO: Yes and No. I have faced challenges that I was not aware I would. Yet I have had such amazing opportunities, blessings and experiences that have changed me forever! Because I am called, I would not want to do anything else.

IO: What do you think about your position as Atlantic District Youth President?

SO: I think I have been privileged to serve in one of the most influential positions that has given me an opportunity to affect the lives of teens and college and career age groups. Our district has a very long and rich heritage, and I feel the responsibility to keep the history alive in our youth and—at the same time—motivate them to experience revival in our day.

IO: What would you say to a teenager that wants to become a district youth president?

SO: I would say that they need to be a servant, respect the elders, work hard, be willing to be faithful in the small things, and He will open the doors for you to do more (See Luke 16:10).

IO: What makes Canada special?

SO: Hockey, its People, its Beauty, Maple Syrup and Mounties.

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