We Had To Ask – Brian Fuller

Posted by: in We Had to Ask on December 13th

IO: Beginning on a personal note, where were you born and raised?

BF: Born in Shawnee, OK, and raised in Okmulgee, OK.

IO: Did you go to Bible College? And, if so, when and where?

BF: Indiana Bible College (1992-1994)

IO: Did you go to secular college? And if so, when and where?

BF: No

IO: Tell us about your family?

BF: I am blessed with a wonderful wife, Donna of 15 years, and two incredible children—Nathan, 8, and Natelyn, 3.

IO: What is your favorite food?

BF: Fried Shrimp!

IO: If you could have dinner with one person that is alive today and that you have never met, who would it be?

BF: George Bush

IO: Do you have a hobby?

BF: I like to fish and hunt –especially Wild Hog Hunting!!

IO: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

BF: Florida

IO: Has there ever been a time when you felt like you didn’t know God’s will?

BF: Absolutely

IO: Today’s youth are dealing with issues that no other generation has had to face; what do they need to survive?

BF: I believe our generation needs to regain their fear of God. Too many young people are flippant about church and God’s presence. We need to have such a reverence for God that it makes us respect His house (church), His man (pastor) and His temple (us). The Bible is full of examples of those who lost their reverence for God and the consequences that followed.

IO: When did you first know you were called to preach?

BF: There was never a particular moment. I simply followed God’s leading; as He opened doors, I simply walked through them. Each door that opened, though, was an undeniable door that God had afforded me.

IO: Is it what you imagined?

BF: No!  If you would have told me I would be doing what I have had the opportunity to do, I would have said “no way.”  Ministry has been an incredible experience and God has been very good to me and my family.

IO: What are some of the challenges to becoming a minister?

BF: First, are you willing to pay the price to really be a minister? Feeling a call is one thing—fulfilling that call is another. Secondly, understand that ministry is spelled SERVANT! That means mowing grass, taking out trash, teaching Bible Studies, etc. Thirdly, having a pastor who will take time to mentor you. Every young minister needs to be mentored. Lastly, staying submitted to the authority in your life. If every young minister would simply stay underneath their pastor and truly serve and submit, they will have the anointing they desire.

IO: What do you think about your position as Oklahoma Youth President?

BF: Serving as Youth President has been an absolute blessing! I have learned so much, and it has been an honor to be asked to serve the pastors and students of our state. I will draw from the lessons learned and memories made for the rest of my life.

IO: What would you say to a teenager that wants to become a district youth president?

BF: Simply stated—whatever your hand finds to do . . . do it with all your might. If you will give God your best, He will orchestrate your footsteps. Be involved in every youth function you can … locally, sectionally, and in the district.

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