We Had to Ask: Daryle Williams

Posted by: in Interviews, We Had to Ask on May 26th

InsideOut: Where were you born or raised?

DW: I was born in Indianapolis. However, my family only lived there for a few months afterward. Since then I have lived in seven other states although, I was primarily raised in Florida where I have lived for 23 of my 36 years.

IO: What is your favorite brand of chips?

DW: Definitely Tostitos with a lot of salsa.

IO: What music are you listening to?

DW: Contemporary Black Gospel.

IO: What would be your dream car?

DW: I don’t know because it changes with the times. However, it would definitely be a European Sports Car.

IO: What do you feel is the best thing about being the General Youth Secretary?

DW: The incredible opportunity to influence youth … the people who can change the world.

IO: What is your favorite time of day to pray?

DW: Mid morning, somewhere around 8 am.

IO: Has there ever been a time that you felt you didn’t know where God was?

DW: Yes, I have prayed Job’s prayer more than once. The most critical of these times came during my college years. If I remember correctly, the wrestling began around November of my freshman year and lasted through my junior year. That is not to say that I did not sense or feel God during this time. Note that, with all that he lost and regained, Job’s trial was multiple years as well. Flowers bloom overnight and quickly fade, but towering trees take time to develop. The Bible instructs us that we can understand the things of the Spirit by observing nature (Romans 1). And so it is true of us, if we want our relationship and understanding of God to be both deep and lasting it is going to require difficult times of development.

IO: How important do you think it is to be in the perfect will of God?

DW: It is most important! Several times I have felt God direct me in a way that was contrary to my plans. Thankfully, I have followed and have witnessed the tremendous hand of God at work. Although I must say, while all of us desire to receive a specific word from God as Moses did via the burning bush or as Ezekiel did in the valley of dry bones, we are not promised this. In fact, most Biblical characters are never mentioned as having received a direct call. For example, Esther was encouraged by her uncle to just do what was right and that, in the end, was the will of God. John The Baptist questioned Jesus, “Are you the one?” So while I pray that all would hear specifically from God, I know that without it there is still enough Biblical instruction as to what the will of God is for us to move forward.

IO: How can we tune ourselves into that?

DW: Scripture plainly states in many cases what the will of God is. For example, the will of God is for us to be saved (John 3:16, II Peter 3:9), that we would seek Him (Matthew 6:33), that we would fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19, 20) and that we would be holy (I Thessalonians 4:3). These and other Scriptures are enough for us to get to work doing God’s will. Yet, even further, God has designed each of us with certain tastes, talents and treasures that we must develop and invest in the Kingdom of God.

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