Interview with NAYC Speakers: Victor Jackson

Posted by: in 2017, Interviews on April 28th

Interview with Victor JacksonYes! You heard it. North American Youth Congress is not that far away. And NAYC 17 is chock full of anointed speakers and musicians who will be ministering in Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis in just a few short months. We’d like you to get to know them before they preach to you and lead you in worship.

Our next interview comes from evangelist from Belleview, Florida, Victor Jackson.

InsideOut: If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three items would you want to have with you and why?
Victor Jackson: My Bible, portrait of my wife and son, and a gun with unlimited ammunition. My Bible because I would have all the time in the world to learn more about God, free of distraction. A family photo so I can reminisce about my family, and that would provide energy throughout the day longing to see them again. A gun (I don’t own one, so hopefully I will know how to use one) with unlimited ammo to protect myself and hunt.

IO: Please tell us your favorite joke.
VJ: There’s a story of a man helping to build an orphanage in a Spanish-speaking country. The pastor asked if he spoke Spanish, and he said of course. The Spanish pastor invited him to speak to his congregation, and the man got up and said, “Hell-o, everyone-o. How-o are-o you-o doing-o this-o evening-o?” The congregation was stunned, and the Spanish pastor was embarrassed because the man thought the only difference between English and Spanish was adding an “O” to every word!

IO: What is the funniest moment you have had while preaching?
VJ: I was preaching at my home church in the fall of 2014. As I reached the climax of my message, I lost everyone’s attention because a huge wasp was flying throughout the congregation. Their heads just followed left and right as the wasp circulated the church. Finally it came by me while I was preaching, and I immediately swatted it down mid-breath and stomped on it really hard. The sound of me stomping that wasp was heard all around. The congregation gasped and stood silent. I just shouted to the top of my lungs “AND THAT’S WHAT IMMA DO TO THE DEVIL!” This happened to me with a moth as well in Oregon. I’m praying for no insects at NAYC!

IO: Besides the Bible, what is your favorite book?
VJ: That’s a tough question because the main book I read is the Bible, but I guess another book that impacted me is em>A Minister’s Obstacles by Ralph G. Turnbull.

IO: How do you prepare to preach to thousands at North American Youth Congress?
VJ: I am preparing to preach to thousands at Youth Congress the same way I have prepared to preach to home missions churches with only eight to ten people. That is by prayer and fasting and by giving myself continually to the Word of God.

IO: Briefly share your testimony, especially from your life as a teen.
VJ: As a teen, I was hungry for God. I wasn’t saved yet but I was so hungry. I didn’t know the Truth, so I was visiting several denominational churches by myself trying to find the Truth. While this hunger was in me, I had given my life to basketball. I never drank or smoke because I was literally consecrated to this sport. I never went to parties, I just spent my time on the basketball court traveling across the nation to play in national tournaments. Through this devotion to this sport, I got a college scholarship to play ball in Florida. That’s where I encountered the Acts 2:38 message in a Bible study on campus.

We were ranked number one in the nation, and I was captain of the team and the starting shooting guard. Within two months of being saved by this powerful Truth, I started teaching my teammates Bible studies. Many were born again of the water and Spirit. After teaching several Bible studies and being faithful to church, God spoke to me to give up basketball and follow Him fully. I gave up my scholarships and career to follow Him, and I haven’t stopped following Him since. The best decision I ever made was to follow Jesus.

IO: When and where did God call you to preach, and how did you answer you His call?
VJ: God called me to preach at NAYC 2009 while Bishop Haney was teaching a session about the call of God. I responded to this call when I immediately got home and started reading ministerial books. A month after that NAYC, God told me to give up my basketball career. I responded to the call of God by fully consecrating myself to it. I did whatever my hands found to do in the church. I became an armor bearer, then I was honored to serve on my local church youth team for three years.

IO: What advice do you have for someone feeling a call to ministry? What should their next steps be?
VJ: If you feel a call to ministry, discuss it with your pastor. After this, find ways to get involved in your local church. Give 110% at your local church, and from there God will open up doors into your destiny. But you must give yourself where you are and not wait until you are doing what you are called to do. Invest yourself, serve your leadership, submit yourself to their authority, and God will bless you!

Make sure you serve in whatever capacity needed and let God open the doors; don’t force them open. After you start operating in your calling, don’t stop serving. Serving and submission are a journey, not a destination. We don’t serve or submit to get something; instead we serve and submit because it is a lifestyle. Develop spiritual disciplines and chase the fruit of the Spirit, and God will lead you where He wants you.

IO: How can the students take the North American Youth Congress fire to their homes and home churches and keep it burning?
VJ: Serve and have a hunger to see God move at your local church. Be an example at your local church and the fire will spread. Worship at your local church like you worshiped at NAYC. Live out the commitments at home that you made to God while in the altar at NAYC. Give your all, stay faithful, and show the love of God to people. Make up your mind and confess to God that you will never be the same after NAYC!

Jackson, Victor

Victor Jackson and his wife Luisa serve as evangelists in the United Pentecostal Church, based out of Belleview, Florida. Jason Varnum is their pastor.


Victor Jackson is scheduled to speak Friday, July 28, 2017 during the 11:30 a.m. general session.

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