Interview with NAYC Speakers: Darrell Johns

Posted by: in 2015, Interviews on February 27th

Interview Johns, DarrellNorth American Youth Congress is not that far away. And NAYC 15 is chock full of anointed speakers and musicians who will be ministering in Oklahoma City in just a few short months. We’d like to you to get to know them before they preach to you and lead you in worship.

Our next interview comes from our Thursday morning young ministers’ sessions speaker, from warm and sunny Atlanta, Rev. Darrell Johns.

InsideOut: If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three items would you want to have with you and why?
Darrell Johns:

  • Fire starter—that’s where survival starts.
  • Survival machete—harvest and protect
  • iPhone 6 with Bible app
  • IO: Please tell us your favorite joke.
    DJ: I am not a good joke teller, but I tried. My interview editor told me it was lame so I deleted it.

    IO: What is the funniest moment you have had while preaching?
    DJ: The time the sole of my shoe ripped loose and was flopping around on the platform like a giant jaw.

    IO: Why do you feel North American Youth Congress is so important for students to attend?
    DJ: Spiritual encounter and life change. To realize you are not alone when you are the only Apostolic student in your school. Everybody’s there.

    IO: How do you mentally prepare to preach to thousands at North American Youth Congress?
    DJ: Study my topic. Pray for anointing. Get in touch my audience.

    IO: What do you feel are your top two personal strengths and weaknesses and why?
    DJ: Top strengths—I really love God and His people. I give 100% to my ministry. (Passion).
    Weaknesses—Getting over-committed and too busy. (Passion).

    IO: When and where did you receive your calling, and how did you prepare to fulfill it?
    DJ: My call was progressive, but I KNEW I was called when I was eighteen years old on an AYC trip to Korea. An evangelist challenged me to get involved in the ministries of our local church to “volunteer” for Kingdom service. I did attend a Bible college, and it was great preparation for ministry. Think Proverbs 3:5-6.

    IO: What advice do you have for someone feeling a call to any aspect of ministry? What should their next steps be?
    DJ: Deepen your walk with God. Grow your gifts. Develop people skills. Serve in your church where you are needed and where you are gifted. Strive for excellence in all you do. Think Luke 2:52.

    IO: What are your long term goals for ministry and life in general, and what steps do you plan to reach those goals?
    DJ: My life goal is to develop leaders for the kingdom of God. I invest in leaders: leading our church to reach our city and motivating our district to reach our state. I need to write.

    IO: How can the students take the North American Youth Congress fire to their homes and home churches and keep it burning?
    DJ: Get a mental picture of the person God wants you to become. Make decisions instead of excuses. Develop the habits that will build you into that person one day at a time.

    Johns, Darell

    Darrell Johns is a graduate of Jackson College of Ministries and began his full-time ministry in 1978 with his wife Carol. They raised three sons and all are currently involved in full-time church ministry. Darrell Johns has worked in a variety of ministry environments including Bible college, the General Youth Division, Global Missions and is currently serving as the Georgia District superintendent. He has served as pastor of Atlanta West Pentecostal Church since 1995. Clear and understandable biblical teaching is a hallmark of his ministry.


    Darrell Johns is scheduled to speak Thursday, August 6, 2015 during the 10:15 a.m. young ministers’ split session.

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