Interview with NAYC Speakers: Brad Fain

Posted by: in 2015, Interviews on June 27th

Interview Fain BradNorth American Youth Congress is almost here, and NAYC 15 is chock full of anointed speakers and musicians who will be ministering in Oklahoma City in just two short months. We’d like to you to get to know them before they preach to you and lead you in worship.

Our next interview comes from our Thursday morning youth workers split session speaker and family pastor of Atlanta West Pentecostal Church, Pastor Brad Fain.

InsideOut: If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three items would you want to have with you and why?
Brad Fain:
1. Bear Grylls Knife: it would make me invincible! I could start fires, make other weapons, make shelter, etc.
2. Parachute cord: to fish with, make bedding, and catch food
3. Water

InsideOut: Please tell us your favorite joke.
BF: I always loved the joke about the little boy who was lying on the floor looking at all the dust under his bed and asking his mom, “Doesn’t the Bible say that we were made from dust?” “Yes,” replied his mom. Then he asked, “Doesn’t the Bible say we will return to dust when we die?” “Yes,” replied his mom.

As he looked at all the dust under his bed again he said, “Well somebody is coming or going under my bed right now!”

IO: What is the funniest moment you have had while preaching?
BF: One of the funniest things that ever happened to me was during a youth service. I slipped up and said something that sounded really bad, and this guy fell out of his chair all the way in the floor and started laughing so hard, I couldn’t even finish.

IO: Why do you feel North American Youth Congress is so important for students to attend?
BF: I have never been to a meeting where there is so much unity. I can remember being a young person myself and feeling so much freedom to worship God with other young people from all over North America. Obviously, we know God is the same everywhere, but it’s just something amazing to experience for yourself.

IO: What do you feel are your top two personal strengths and weaknesses and why?
BF: My Strengths:
1. Making Friends. I’ve always loved meeting new people and finding out all about them.
2. Making people laugh. To me, there’s nothing better than a good laugh, and I just seem to find the funny a lot!

Personal Weaknesses: I can name many, but I’ll narrow them down to two.
1. Saying “No.” I will find myself over committing, and that does not help anybody.
2. Not being where I am when I’m there. I start thinking about all I need to do and get busy in my mind. Then I find myself not slowing down enough to enjoy the right now.

IO: When and where did you receive your calling, and how did you prepare to fulfill it?
BF: I felt my first calling while listening to Sister Nona Freeman speaking at my church when I was seven years old. I really didn’t know what I was feeling; I just remember thinking I am going to do something for God.

I started teaching Sunday school at age fourteen and have volunteered for as long as I can remember, making myself available to do anything. This is what prepared me the most. Later in life, I was in a session with Pastor Tim Gaddy and knew, without doubt, God was reaching for me to minister.

IO: What advice do you have for someone feeling a call to any aspect of ministry? What should their next steps be?
BF: Self Sacrifice and give all you can when you can. Delight yourself in the Lord, and get on your knees like never before. Make your relationship with God rock solid!

IO: What are your long term goals for ministry and life in general, and what steps do you plan to reach those goals?
BF: Right now, I am the family pastor at Atlanta West Pentecostal Church living my dream. I am a licensed counselor and thank God for the opportunity He has given me. I am daily listening to God. If there is a next step, I am willing and honored to take it.

IO: How can the students take the North American Youth Congress fire to their homes and home churches and keep it burning?
BF: Make attainable goals, then realize and know God wants to use you. Make yourself available even when you don’t feel like it.

Fain, Brad
Brad and Dana Fain joined the pastoral staff of Atlanta West Pentecostal Church in June 2004 where they led the youth ministry, The CROWD, and had oversight of all children and youth ministries. In June of 2010, Brad transitioned to the role of family life pastor. He has a passion to grow families that are committed to one another and to God.


Brad Fain is scheduled to speak Thursday, August 6, 2015 during the 10:15 a.m. youth workers split session.

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