Insyder: Nathaniel Molter

Posted by: in Insyder, Interviews on March 23rd

Youth Pastor’s Name: Nathaniel Molter

Youth Group’s Name: ALUPC Youth

Church’s Name: Apostolic Lighthouse

Where: Farmington, MO

InsideOut: How many students are in your youth group?

Nathaniel Molter: 12-15

IO: What is their average age?

NM: 14

IO: What is the coolest event that you have put together for your group?

NM: I guess you really would have to ask my youth, but my favorite things have been camping, boating, and going to amusement parks. We also have a paintball trip planned this spring that the girls seem to be the most excited about. Very Funny! Nothing like seventy-five pound, fourteen-year-old girls acting like Rambo.

IO: What does your group do for outreach?

NM: We have knocked doors and done the typical things, but our most effective means has been working hard to include non-church friends in everything we do.

IO: What do you do to disciple those that join your group?

NM: I try to be available for anything they may need or any questions they may have; and I have really enjoyed one-on-one and small group Bible studies.

IO: What is your group’s claim to fame?

NM: Hard to say; but since you’re asking me, I think it is the fact that my youth really work hard to be a group.

IO: Is there a “hangout” for your group outside of church?

NM: Definitely—a basement of one of our church members and the parents’ home of one of my youth seem to get frequent use.

IO: Do you do crowd breakers?

NM: Religiously!

IO: When does your group regularly meet?

NM: Besides getting together during the week, we have a youth service once a month, some kind of fun non-service event once a month, and a larger trip or special function every couple of months.

IO: Do you have a youth choir?

NM: Kind of—depends on how many of them I can talk into singing.

IO: What kind of music does your group like?

NM: My youth group is so diversified—I won’t even try to answer that other than saying they all like songs about God.

IO: If you could narrow it do to one song, what would be your group’s favorite anthem?

NM: Hard to pick just one, but I guess I would say “How Great is Our God.”

IO: Does your group have a worship band?

NM: No, but we’re working on it. I have a girl who is working on the guitar, and I am trying my best to get another youth interested in the drums.

IO: If so, what style of music do they play?

NM: At the moment, probably “Mary Had a Little Lamb.”

IO: Is the ministry emphasis of your group more evangelistic or discipleship?

NM: I hope both.

IO: Do you have a prayer meeting for youth?

NM: Yes—one of the best things we do.

IO: How many people are on your youth leadership team?

NM: 3-5

IO: What is the vision for your student ministry?

NM: Get More of Us!

IO: What is the question that we’ve missed, and what would be the answer?

NM: The only thing that I haven’t said is that I consider myself to be extremely lucky to be able to work with such an amazing group that is filled with awesome young people. I really am!

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