Insyder: Chad Flowers

Posted by: in Insyder on June 22nd

Youth Pastor’s Name: Chad Flowers

Youth Group’s Name: FUSION

Church’s Name: Emmanuel Pentecostal Church

Where: Mesquite, TX (East of Dallas)

Inside Out: How many students are in your youth group?

Chad Flowers: Including Jr. High, Sr. High, and College & Career—about 90.

IO: What is their average age?

CF: 14-15 years

IO: What is the coolest event that you have put together for your group?

CF: “Night of FUSION S-energy” (pronounced like “synergy”), which means “Spiritual Energy.” We do it about 4-5 times a year. All we announce is the time and place to meet and if they need to bring any money. That is all the youth know. When they show up, we may do a prayer meeting and then a gym night, have a combined youth service with another youth group, or go on a prayer walk and then go bowling or to the rodeo. The important thing is, we mix some type of spiritual element with fun. We started it at the beginning of this year, and so far every time has been a success!

IO: What does your group do for outreach?

CF: Refer back to the “S-energy” event. In the past, we have put on services in nursing homes, and every Thanksgiving we take Thanksgiving dinners to families-in-need (names given to us by our city) who have nothing to do with our church. It has definitely taught our students to love and care for those in need.

IO: What do you do to disciple those that join your group?

CF: Our church has a discipleship program called “Fresh Start” with classes that meet during Sunday school on Sundays. We encourage our new converts to go through the discipleship class as well as hook them up with a Bible study taught by another student.

IO: What is your group’s claim to fame?

CF: Our weekly FUSION service on Wednesday nights is definitely the highlight of FUSION youth ministry. We have a youth room with a café, arcade games, air hockey, and a lounge for the kids and their guests to hang out in before service. Those who are involved in the worship come at 6:45 PM for practice. At 7:15 PM, we all gather in the chapel to pray before service begins. Our worship is becoming more and more anointed, and then either I preach or we have a guest speaker come in once a month.

IO: Is there a “hangout” for your group outside of church?

CF: Applebee’s

IO: Do you do crowd breakers?

CF: Not anymore. We used to until about a year ago, and then we decided to make our services more evangelistic. For us, the crowd breakers just began to be time-fillers that we didn’t need anymore.

IO: When does your group regularly meet?

CF: Every Wednesday for FUSION—our youth service.

IO: Do you have a youth choir?

CF: We’re working toward building one at this time.

IO: What kind of music does your group like?

CF: Our group is very diverse in their music preferences.

IO: If you could narrow it down to one song, what would be your group’s favorite anthem?

CF: As youth pastor, the song I would pick is “While I’m Waiting” by John Waller. The message of this song captures the intent my wife, youth staff, and I have for the students God has entrusted to us.

IO: Does your group have a worship band?

CF: Yes

IO: If so, what style of music do they play?

CF: Many of them are in their schools’ bands and are now beginning to bring their instruments to FUSION. In our youth services, they usually play the contemporary praise and worship style of music.

IO: Is the ministry emphasis of your group more evangelistic or discipleship?

CF: I would say more evangelistic.

IO: Do you have a prayer meeting for youth?

CF: We meet every Wednesday night before FUSION for prayer, and we have special focused prayer on the nights of FUSION S-energy.

IO: How many people are on your youth leadership team?

CF: The staff that oversees our FUSION service on Wednesday nights, special events on weekends, and teach Sunday School classes on Sundays consists of 12 people, not including my wife and I.

IO: What is the vision for your student ministry?

CF: One of the many meanings of “FUSION” is “a pouring out.” Luke 6:38 says, “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you” (NIV). Our vision for FUSION youth ministry is a group of young people who are sensitive to the call of God on their lives and actively seeking His will through spiritual growth and service.

IO: What is the question that we’ve missed, and what would be the answer?

CF: At this point, I think you’ve pretty well covered it.

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