Commune-ity All Stars: Stephen Brown

Posted by: in Interviews on June 22nd

InsideOut: How long have you been in student ministry?
Stephen Brown: Fifteen years.

IO: What is your favorite fast food restaurant?
SB: Chick-fil-a

IO: What about your favorite Scripture?
SB: “Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:12).

IO: Who is the biggest influence in your life?
SB: Probably a 3 way tie–My wife, my mom and my pastor

IO: What is the most impacting book you’ve read other than the Bible?
SB: Wild at Heart by John Eldredge

IO: Tom’s or Converse?
SB: Converse, but I love the idea and purpose behind Tom’s.

IO: Mac or PC?
SB: Would say Mac, but still have a PC.

IO: Did you attend college? Bible college or secular?
SB: Some secular college, haven’t finished

IO: Are you single or married? Kids?
SB: Married for 14 years to Cara, I have 2 boys; Josiah 7, Sam 3.

IO: What is the name of your student ministry?
SB: YFactor

IO: How did you get started in student ministry?
SB: I was asked by my pastor to join the youth staff fifteen years ago when a new youth pastor was coming in.

IO: What is the dumbest thing you’ve ever done in student ministry?
SB: Doing a “Fear Factor” type of eating game on our new carpet in our youth center.

IO: What is the most unique prop you’ve used to illustrate a lesson?
SB: A fresh pig’s heart

IO: What is your most memorable moment in student ministry?
SB: Has to be our youth conference this year…SHIFT2011. Our students really stepped up in leading worship and in the drama presentations.

IO: What song would you say is the anthem for your group?
SB: Show me Your Glory by Jesus Culture

IO: What is your favorite online resources when planning youth services?
SB: and

IO: What do you do to keep ideas fresh?
SB: Constant reading and networking with other youth leaders for gathering new ideas

IO: I’m in student ministry because…
SB: I do youth ministry simply because I believe that today’s generation will be the greatest generation the Kingdom of God has ever seen. Plus, the kids of Yfactor rock!

IO: Is your youth group active in giving to SFC?:
SB: Yes, very. We annually hold a walk-a-thon and run numerous fireworks stands to raise funds for SFC.

Stephen Brown serves as the student pastor for YFactor at Landmark Tabernacle in Denver, Colorado. Rev. B.E. Hale is their pastor. You can find them here on .

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