Commune-ity All Stars: Chris Salyards

Posted by: in Interviews on June 16th

InsideOut: How long have you been in student ministry?
Chris Salyards: Fifteen years.

IO: What is your favorite fast food restaurant?
CS: Panda Express and In & Out Burger.

IO: What about your favorite Scripture?
CS: “Who is a God like unto you, who pardons iniquity, and passes by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage? he retains not his anger forever, because he delights in mercy” (Micah 7:18).

IO: Who is the biggest influence in your life?
CS: My father, Charley Salyards, and my youth pastor, Pastor Jon Mullings, are the biggest influences in my life.

IO: What is the most impacting book you’ve read other than the Bible?
CS: Weird by Craig Groeschel.

IO: Tom’s or Converse?
CS: Toms.

IO: Mac or PC?
CS: Mac with VM Ware installed.

IO: Did you attend college? Bible college or secular?
CS: I have a B.S. in Business Administration. I did not attend Bible college.

IO: Are you single or married? Kids?
CS: I’m married to Kamye, and we have three kids: Brady, Hudson, and Hailee.

IO: What is the name of your student ministry?
CS: Gravity Student Ministries—a force or attraction which draws objects to the center of the body.

IO: How did you get started in student ministry?
CS: I was asked to serve on the youth team when I was eighteen. I was given a small task which led to a greater role in youth ministry here locally.

IO: What is the dumbest thing you’ve ever done in student ministry?
CS: Throwing a snowball towards a cabin window at winter camp. Result? Broken window. Not good!

IO: What is the most unique prop you’ve used to illustrate a lesson?
CS: I’ve substituted caramel onions for caramel apples to show how sin looks good on the outside, but it’s not what it’s cracked up to be when you get involved with it.

IO: What is your most memorable moment in student ministry?
CS: Anytime I have baptized a student from an unchurched family.

IO: What song would you say is the anthem for your group?
CS: “War Cry” by Terra Firma.

IO: What is your favorite online resources when planning youth services?
CS: and

IO: What do you do to keep ideas fresh?
CS: I’m always asking other youth pastors what they are doing. I’m not afraid to borrow (okay, steal) ideas if they are successful. I am also not afraid to try new things, even at the risk of failure.

IO: I’m in student ministry because…
CS: There is nothing like watching students commit themselves to God and allowing Him to work in their life. Then, I get to watch as they become involved in ministry to advance the Kingdom.

Chris Salyards serves as the student pastor for Gravity at Golden Valley Truth Tabernacle in Bakersfield, California. Rev. Jonathan Mullings is their pastor.

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