Commune-ity All-Stars: Adam Rios

Posted by: in Interviews, Ministry Spotlights on June 2nd

InsideOut: How long have you been in student ministry?
Adam Rios: I’ve been involved in student ministry for 3 years.

IO: What is your favorite fast food restaurant?
AR: Chick-fil-a tops the fast food list.

IO: What about your favorite Scripture?
AR: That would be Isaiah 41:10: “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”

IO: Who is the biggest influence in your life?
AR: My pastor, C.W. Roberts has been my greatest influence.

IO: What is the most impacting book you’ve read, besides the Bible?
AR: “Crazy Love” by Francis Chan is an impacting read.

IO: Tom’s or Converse?
AR: Converse for me!

IO: Mac or PC?
AR: Mac.

IO: Did you attend college? Bible college or secular?
AR: I think I will always be a student…I love to learn! I’m currently pursuing a business marketing degree.

IO: Are you single or married? Kids?
AR: Leslie is the love of my life. We’ve been married for 4 years.

IO: What is the name of your student ministry and how did you get started?
AR: Represent Student Ministries—we desire to represent Christ in everything we do, everywhere we go. I’ve had a burden for youth ministry for as long as I can remember. After unofficially leading and organizing youth activities and events for some time, Pastor Roberts appointed Leslie and me to establish and lead our church’s youth ministry.

IO: What is your youth group’s favorite game?
AR: Wink ‘em and Ninja are currently a couple favorites.

IO: What is the dumbest thing you’ve ever done in student ministry?
AR: Tarps on the ground + water + laundry soap + 60 students racing in the same direction = nobody wins and everybody’s eyes are burning…

IO: What is your most memorable moment in student ministry?
AR: We’ve had so many incredible memories with our youth group. To me, it is most memorable when you see it all finally “click” in a young person’s life—everything you’ve been praying for, teaching, and preaching. That moment when a student does “the turn” from being a spectator to a participator. When a casual attender becomes a passionate worshipper. When a young guy or girl shifts from always being a receiver and starts becoming a giver. It is incredible to see a student who commits to reciprocating the investments they’ve received into the lives of others. It is most memorable when they realize the purpose of the Gospel is to pass along the Gospel.

IO: What song would you say is the anthem for your group?
AR: “I Give Myself Away” by William McDowell.

IO: How about your favorite online resources when planning youth services? What do you do to keep ideas fresh?
AR: is a great resource for short videos and countdowns. Networking with other youth workers is the best way to stay fresh!

IO: I’m in student ministry because…
AR: Entering the church as a teenager, not raised in a Christian home, I relied on others outside of my home to show me how to pray, have faith, and live for God. I realized the impression these men and women had in my life. Since then, I’ve always wanted to be a reliable Christian young people could count on to be a consistent help in their walk with the Lord. Leslie and I have a burden to lead young people to the love of Christ.

Adam and Leslie Rios have served as student pastors of Represent Student Ministries at the Church of Pentecost in Cleveland, Ohio for three years. C.W. Roberts is their pastor. You can find them here on Facebook.

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