Treasures from a Friend

Posted by: in Inspirational on November 10th

Treasures from a FriendI once read an interesting story about an old miner who lived isolated in the mountains of Colorado. When he unexpectedly passed away, a few of his distant relatives came to collect anything of his that was worthwhile. The family members arrived only to find a rusted-over shack full of mining equipment and dirt. As they gathered the few possessions the old miner had and set off on their way, a friend of the miner appeared with a few empty boxes. Confused and quite annoyed, the family members exclaimed that everything else in the house was his and that they already found the small bit of junk that might be worth something. In gratitude, the friend immediately went into the shack, pulled up a single piece of the floor, and began to expose heaps of gold the old miner had collected over the decades. It seemed this old miner died having only shown his true friend his actual worth.

Now consider what this friend could do with such a financial blessing. Although he didn’t work for that gold and didn’t shed any blood, sweat, and tears over the mining process, his life just gained far more worth and value through simply being friends with the old miner. The miner valued his friendship with this man so much that he was vulnerable when they were together and told him about what mattered the most to him. And though he didn’t do the work, the friend was able to receive the harvest his friend was preparing for his entire life.

Consider that analogy in spiritual terms: there’s a friend who sticks closer than a brother, who laid down his life for us all, and set aside certain valuables simply to add worth to our lives. But where does this worth come from? Where are these valuables found? These spiritual pieces of value are found in God’s Word. The Word of God is something obvious yet overlooked. As teenagers we often look at the Bible as just a source of rules, regulations, and convictions even though it serves as so much more. As young men and women, I believe we have an obligation to utilize the Word of God. That’s why first and foremost we must recognize the value it adds to our lives. We stand as leaders, world-changers, preachers, teachers, and worshippers, yet we aren’t working nearly as efficiently as we could be. By grasping ahold of how truly valuable God’s Word is, we can catapult ourselves to new heights God has intended for us.

The hardest part about being a teenager in this day and age is all the commotion and chaos that occurs around us. In Romans 12:2, the Bible tells us to not be conformed to this world but be transformed, and dare I take that scripture a little farther by saying change isn’t enough. If we constantly strive towards God, then change is inevitable. However, progress is a decision made after change. Though a difficult task, it’s imperative that we always strive to advance, utilizing the nuggets of valuable information found within the Word of God.

To recognize God’s Word, you must know what it is. II Timothy 3:16-17 claims, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” To say God is perfect and never-failing is to say that his Word is perfect and never-failing. And to misuse God’s Word is to belittle its value and is ultimately considered blasphemous.

There is no price tag on the Word of God because Psalms 119:72 says, “The law of [God’s] mouth is better unto me than thousands of gold and silver.” In spiritual warfare, Hebrews 4:12 states, “The Word of God is sharper than any two-edged sword,” His never-failing Word promises in Romans 8:31 that if God be for us, who can be against us? In such a dark and gloomy world, His Word in Psalms 119:105 states, “[God’s] word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our paths.” When you feel faithless and doubtful, be encouraged that Romans 10:17 declares, “Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.”

True friends of God know that God’s valuables are found in His Word. True followers of God know that His Word is valuable enough to change you for the better. To be both a friend and follower means to apply that value and advance in your walk with God.
Allow His value to fuel your progression.

Treadway, Devin

My name is Devin Treadway, I am seventeen years old, and I live in Gainesville, Florida. I attend The Pentecostals of Gainesville, pastored by Jimmy Toney and Bishop Jeff Arnold. I have a passion for Bible quizzing, ministry, and academics.

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