Top 10 Things You Need to Do Now

Posted by: in Inspirational, Top 10 Lists on April 3rd

Top 10 Things You Need to Do Now
As a teenager or young adult, it is so easy to waste time on things that don’t matter. Here are ten things you should focus on right now.

10. Take responsibility
⁃ Learn how to cook, clean, iron your clothes, and do laundry. Be a person you would want to marry.

9. Get involved in your church
⁃ Talk to your youth pastor or pastor and make this happen. There is always something you can be involved in.

8. Be kind
⁃ Pay for someone’s coffee. Open doors. Give compliments often.

7. Give
⁃ Read Malachi 3:10-12 and Luke 6:38

6. Limit phone time
⁃ The average teenager spends over five hours per day on their phone accomplishing very little. Limit this time and focus on things that matter.

5. Memorize Scripture
⁃ Hide the Word of God in your heart. “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” (Psalms 119:105).

4. Work
⁃ Work ethic can only be developed by working. Whether it’s a secular job or chores, do it as unto The Lord. Joseph did and look what happened to him.

3. Get Educated
⁃ Go look up the story of Malala Yousafzai. People who don’t know anything can’t change anything. Knowledge is power.

2. Have a positive attitude
⁃ It’s not only good for you but also for those around you. Let’s face it, no one wants to hang out with a negative Nancy. Positive people even live longer.

1. Develop a relationship with God
⁃ God does not expect perfection; He expects faithfulness. Be faithful to obey Scripture in the midst of your mistakes, and you will grow in God!

Updegrave, Cody
Cody and Lauren Updegrave joined the pastoral staff at The Anchor Church of Zanesville, Ohio in 2015. They previously served in Dayton, Ohio as youth pastors and have been involved in youth ministry for over eight years. In addition to this, Lauren works as a part-time public teacher and a full-time mommy to their spunky, drum loving toddler, Winston. Together they live to connect young people to a lifelong relationship with Jesus Christ.

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