To Whom It May Concern

Posted by: in Inspirational, Rachel Skirvin on December 13th

To Whom It May Concern2

As the snow softly fell outside and the sun rose over the mountains, another Christmas day began. The young man ran down the stairs, sleepy-eyed and half awake. He had been anxiously anticipating that bike or new stereo he so often requested.

A twinge of disappointment covered his face when he reached the tree and realized those things were nowhere to be found. Nothing was there—no family, no gifts, no warmth from the fireplace. Nothing was to be seen except for a single letter. This letter had no specific name on it, but the front of the envelope simply read, “To Whom it May Concern.” The letter was not to him, but was from him, or rather, the person he wished he could be. He began to read it and suddenly forgot all about the temporal gifts he once desired. His mind was finally at peace.

Dear Jesus,
On this extra special day, I would like to take some time to truly say, “Thank You. You are the reason we celebrate Christmas; or You should be. It seems my outlook has changed as my focus has become set on all the wrong things. How quickly I forget the true meaning of Christmas when I am whisked away in the hustle and bustle of the “holiday” season. You came into this insane world to be born and to die for someone like me. You deserved a royal birth in an extravagant place. Instead, You chose a stable filled with something animals eat and farmers gather.

A perfect baby boy who was born in such an unlikely manner strikes wonder in my heart. I can just picture Your overjoyed mother smiling down on You as Your tiny, open hands reached out to her. It is hard to fathom that those same innocent hands grew to be nail-scarred as Your reach extended to this world that still seems to push You away.

The people claimed to have no place in the inn for You, and some still refuse to make room in their hearts. I never want to get to a place so cold that I start to neglect the true meaning of Christmas. That night, though it was so long ago, is one that affected me by forever changing the world and changing my world. Not only was Your humble birth inconceivable, but it is where it all began. Yours was the greatest birth ever recorded, the most incredible story ever written, and it all started in the most uncommon of ways. One of the most magnificent parts of it is knowing it was done for me. Mary held You in her arms that starry night. Now You hold the stars and all that lies beneath them. Happy birthday, Jesus, and thank You for this timeless act of love and for this story that will never age.

As he reached the end of his letter, he quietly re-folded it and placed it back in its place. There was a brand new sense of perception that began to flood his consumed mind. From that point forward, before he opened a single gift, sang another carol, or looked at his finely decorated tree, his mind always reverted to that thin envelope and what was inside it.
Now it’s your turn. Take a moment to think of the real meaning of it all. What would Christmas be without Christ? How would you react to being in attendance at the birth of the same man who died to save the entire world? What would you say, and how would you thank Him if given the chance? Close your eyes and picture it. A perfect child, lying in a manger, born of love, died of love, and continuing in love. Without Him, it would all be in vain.

This year, remember the true meaning of CHRISTmas. It isn’t just another holiday; that baby is the reason we have life. Perhaps it is time to write your own letter. It isn’t about the gifts or the repeatedly wasted dinners or routines to which we have become accustomed. Jesus is the true reason for the season. Is He still the reason you celebrate?

Rachel Thorne was born in Florida and has lived in many places throughout the United States. She is currently attending Urshan College, formerly known as Gateway College of Evangelism. She wants to make a difference and change her world. Rachel is actively seeking the will of God for her life and is willing to do whatever He has for her.


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