The Team

Posted by: in Inspirational on February 1st

Pictured above: Top row L to R: Shenae Huba, Jeremy Guzman, Rachel Thorne, Olivia Dummer.
Bottom row L to R: Ryan O’Neil, Taylor Locke, Andy Alexander, Sarah Slusser.

Here we are. We’re already one month into a brand new year. It’s a Congress year, which means in August, we’ll all storm into Louisville, take over the restaurants, and hear some of the greatest music and preaching from men and women of our generation.

But before we get there, we still have six months to wait. So how should we live from now until August? How should we live after August? That’s why we’re here. This website is designed to help you live InsideOut, outside the highs of Youth Congress. But we couldn’t do all this without an all-star team. So, now that the band is playing and the banners are waving, allow me to introduce you to the starting lineup of InsideOut.

Shenae Huba will be writing about fashion, skin care, and hair care—showing us it’s possible for Pentecostal youth to dress modest and modern.

Jeremy Guzman will be writing music reviews—to give you principles to decide whether that song ought to be on your iPod and in your heart, or not.

Rachel Thorne and Olivia Dummer will both be writing inspirational articles to help you draw closer to God and stay closer to God.

Ryan O’Neil will be writing technology reviews—helping us to know which of the latest and greatest apps and gadgets are really the greatest, and which are just the latest.

Taylor Locke will be writing to help Bible quizzers and coaches give their best and get the most out of Bible quizzing.

Andy Alexander will be promoting and highlighting campus ministries through Campus Ministry International.

Tiffani Patten will be promoting and collecting reports from youth missions trips through Apostolic Youth Corps.

Sarah Slusser will be writing to and for Hyphen students, helping you find your place in God and helping answer questions you have about living for God after the youth group.

And you have the chance to sub in on the team from time to time. Simply write an article that will help other Pentecostal youth, and your article may appear right here on InsideOut.

So, in August, I’ll see you in Louisville for congress. But until then and after then, keep your nose in the Bible and keep your eyes on this website. From now until Jesus comes, let’s live up to our name. Let’s live InsideOut.

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