The Power of Prayer

Posted by: in Inspirational on December 1st

Power of Prayer, TheAs young people of this generation, we are often focused with our daily routines such as going to school, going to work, being in church, and so on. Our mindset has daily goals and activities to do, and most times we are so preoccupied with our to-do list. But may you be reminded today that prayer is a priority and a necessity. Just as we need air to breathe and food to eat throughout the day, our spiritual lives also need spiritual food found through prayer. Before we do anything else when we rise up in the morning, we should humble ourselves in the Lord and pray.

Prayer is a form of our communication and devotion, showing our commitment to Him in our secret place. There’s a song that says, “Prayer is the key to Heaven, but faith unlocks the door.” Prayer is our direct source to our heavenly Father, and praying strengthens our faith and unlocks endless possibilities, miracles, and breakthroughs in our lives. James 4:8 reads, “Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you.”

In order for us to be able to draw closer to God, we must start with prayer. Prayer is when we honour, love, and express our thanksgiving to our Lord Jesus Christ. There is a saying, “Where there is much prayer, there is much power; where there is little prayer, there is little power; where there is no prayer, there is no power.”

Prayer is the best weapon against the enemy because when we pray, the enemy trembles. Through prayer, we get closer to the presence of the Lord. Prayer shows our humility in the sight of God and shows we are willing to spend time and devote ourselves to Him. It also shows our eagerness and passion to grow more spiritually. When we pray, we should pray for the people around us. We must pray for our pastor, elders, leaders, brothers and sisters, the church, our loved ones, and so on. Therefore, we must always set a time every day to pray. It would be awesome if we could pray for at least an hour. If our physical body needs eight hours of sleep to rest, it hungers and thirsts for physical food from a long day, then what about our spiritual health? We also need spiritual food through praying, studying the Word of God, and being available to His works.

Because when we pray, He hears us. “And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear” (Isaiah 65:24). This scripture is a promise to us that even before we kneel down, He has already heard and answered us. Miracles and blessings will unfold if we continue to trust Him and have faith that He is able. And keep in mind that when we pray, we should always ask for the will of God, not our will, to take place because His ways and His thoughts are better and wiser than ours.

James 1:5 reads, “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.” We should always ask for wisdom from the Lord. Just like in the parable of talents (Matthew 25:14-30), we must aim to multiply our talents and share them with others. Even our earthly wisdom comes from the Lord, not from us. Since the talents, skills, and abilities we have belong to God, we must use them to bless others. We can be a blessing to others in different ways by helping them physically, emotionally, financially, but most of all by encouraging them spiritually.

“The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he that winneth souls is wise” (Proverbs 11:30). We must also focus on praying for more souls. Yes, we can grow spiritually by the grace of God, but how about those who are lost? Even if we are growing in the Word of God, we should ask ourselves about our loved ones, friends, classmates, co-workers, and the people we meet along the way? I encourage everyone to share the Word of God with someone and be a witness today. In this digital age, it’s very convenient to reach souls anywhere in the world. Just share a personal testimony to the goodness of the Lord, and when God moves, you’ll be amazed that He can use you. But most of all pray for them or pray with them. By doing this, you’ll be a blessing because prayer can impact their lives and draw them near to God. They may have circumstances we don’t know about, but our gesture of kindness will help them grow in knowing Christ.

By doing this, we’ve already started a ministry. We’re all ministers and we all have the potential to do something for the kingdom of God—whether it’s small or big—our work in the Lord is not in vain. Jesus knows our thoughts and the intents of our hearts. What matters is that we did something good for others without asking for something in return. And the Lord saw it and will reward us according to His promises.

Overall, prayer is so powerful that it helps unlock what we thought was impossible, but through our faith in Christ Jesus, nothing is impossible.

Dimatuluc, Wylleen May

My name is Wylleen May Dimatulac from Faith Revival Center Church of Edmonton. Writing is one of my hobbies to inspire young people with the Word of God. I believe that writing devotionals is a way to inspire and uplift someone’s life. It could also help reach new souls, and as young people being the backbone of the church, we must go forward evangelizing the gospel of Jesus Christ. As Proverbs 11:30 reads, “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.”

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