Ready, Set, Reach!

Posted by: in Inspirational, Project 7, Rachel Skirvin on August 26th

Summer has come and gone, and once again, another school year has begun. Even though during the summer, you pushed far from your mind the dreaded reality of waking up early, sitting through classes, and maneuvering your way through crowded hallways, it has arrived. The 2013-2014 school year is inescapably upon you.

Although those tests, assignments, and late nights are sure to come, allow me to remind you of an assignment greater than all of these. Matthew 28:19 states, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.”

The most prominent due date you have is not a brand new one or even one on your latest syllabi. This age-old assignment is still just as vital today as it was when it was first given. You can turn your school upside-down in the greatest of ways this year. The potential you have to reach your campus is limitless. No matter what you have said, thought, or failed to do in the past, you have been given a brand new year. Make the most of it by doing what matters most.

I know it is often very difficult to take that step of faith to reach out or minister to someone. But the fact is, you were called to do that very thing. God has placed every qualification inside of you to change this great big world. From this point forward there will be no more questioning, no more wondering, and most of all, no more EXCUSES. Everything you need is right at your fingertips.

The General Youth Division has developed a brand new approach to the Great Commission. It is a program where you—as the student—are the leader. Project 7 is an innovative, hands-on approach to showing your school what they are desperately searching for.

Project 7 (P7) is a free resource for students just like you to start Bible clubs on their local high school and middle school campuses. P7 clubs are student led, and they give opportunities for students to participate in spiritually inspired, relationship oriented, and community-serving projects in their school. has everything you need to get started.

This world is searching. People are hungry, and they are lost. The only thing standing in their way is you. This is not a negative blockage, however. You may very well be the thing that is standing between Christ and your peers at school. You may be the only light of Jesus they see. This is such a wonderful obligation. Now is not the time to let your light become dim.

Already there have been students fulfilling this great purpose. Twitter has been one of the avenues in which the reports are streaming in:

“@P7clubs introduced to Chesapeake HS administration. They are on board! Tomorrow is 1st day of @P7clubs in Chesapeake, OH!” –@ALCYouth

“Our History teacher has agreed to let us use her room for our @P7clubs meetings!” – @AWCFusion

There is no reason your story can’t be next! You have the potential to make this school year the best one ever.

No longer can you blend in or get lost in the crowd. Now is the time to take a stand—one that has been needed for so long. You are on the starting line. The whistle has blown, and the audience’s attention has shifted and locked on you. Run the race set before you with diligence. The finish line is close, but there is still some ground that needs to be covered.

More runners are necessary. It is high-time for you to take the lead and run faster and harder with your mission is mind. The track is set, the harvest is plentiful, the time has come: ready, set, reach!

Rachel Thorne was born in Florida and has lived in many places throughout the United States. She is currently attending Urshan College, formerly known as Gateway College of Evangelism. She wants to make a difference and change her world. Rachel is actively seeking the will of God for her life and is willing to do whatever He has for her.


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