How to be an Overcomer

Posted by: in Inspirational on July 12th


Jesus was and always will be the ultimate overcomer.

1 John 5:4 reads: “For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.”

If Jesus was able to overcome the world, we can also overcome by means of our faith in Him. Being a Christian doesn’t mean everything is perfect. We will still have problems, struggles, and trials but we can overcome.  We tend to be discouraged by life’s circumstances, however, at the end of every situation, we’re still able to overcome. The problems you’re currently facing today can become a great testimony that can impact someone’s life down the road.


  1. An overcomer has faith in God.

Faith without works is dead but if we put our trust in God, nothing is impossible.

“But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” Hebrews 11:6


If we seek Him faithfully, He will reward us according to His promises. Our faith in God makes a huge difference in our spiritual lives. We must have an unwavering faith that He is able to answer our prayers. Our faithfulness starts with our daily communication to our Heavenly Father through prayer. We must have flexible availability to His works. We must also be open-minded and be teachable with the word of God. Faithful, available, and teachable are just a few elements which can help us become an overcomer.  We must also learn to trust Him fully even if we face uncertainty in failures or victories.


  1. An overcomer seeks Him first.


“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33


If we seek God first, whatever we need the Lord will provide. Sometimes we are so focused on our problems that we often forget the God we serve is a living God. The God we serve is Alpha and Omega. We will have problems in this life it matters how we handle our problems. Do we let our problems consume us? Do we let our problems distract us from serving the Lord? Do we let our problems take over our spiritual life? It is up to you to decide.  You can either act out of emotion in the flesh or out of wisdom in the spirit. No matter how you’re feeling whether you’re happy, sad, or stressed, remember to always seek God first. Don’t be so focused living life that you forget the reason why you’re living today.


  1. An overcomer is not a quitter!


 “For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.” Isaiah 41:13


There’s a saying “Quitters Never Win!” When life gets you down, don’t be a quitter! Always set a positive mindset to never give up. No matter what life throws at you, whether you have challenges at school, somebody broke your heart, or maybe you have some family problems, health issues, or you’re looking for a new career and unsure which path to take; whatever you’re going through, just keep going forward. God sees your struggles. He knows your troubles and He sees your tears. He’s just moulding your faith to be stronger, for your faith to stay connected with Him in prayer, and to remind you that He is a powerful God. He can restore everything that you’re facing right now, just don’t quit. Be an overcomer today!


We are overcomers in Christ when we have the passion and dedication to serve the Lord despite our circumstances. If you’re reading this, I encourage you to be an overcomer. Stay strong in the Lord during the storms and even if you feel like you’re in the wilderness, the Lord will never leave you nor forsake you. We overcome when we faithfully serve God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength. Keep in mind that our time is never wasted when we serve the Lord.



Dimatuluc, Wylleen May

Wylleen May Dimatulac is from Faith Revival Center Church of Edmonton. Writing is one of her hobbies to inspire young people with the Word of God. She believes that writing devotionals is a way to inspire and uplift someone’s life. 

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