How I Balance Friendships

Posted by: in Inspirational on March 26th

How I Balance Friendships
Okay. Let’s be real, guys. Most of us have some friends who aren’t in the church, and that’s great! I know a lot of people who would not be in the church today if it wasn’t for someone reaching out to them and being a friend. We’ve got to plant a seed before we can have a banana tree! (Now I really want a banana). God sees every action we take to be a witness.

Jesus reached out to the loners, the drunks, the oppressed, the addicts, the prostitutes, and the hopeless. He loved. Like no one else can love, but He also had a balance. Did Jesus leave all of His disciples to go hang out in unhealthy environments that would cause Him to fall? No. Instead, He was a light. He encouraged them to make good decisions and that ended up saving their souls. Let’s talk about finding that balance.

I’m not going to say that being friends with people in the world is just as easy as being friends with people in the church because that’s not necessarily true. Becoming friends with people in the world can bring pressure, temptation, and negativity because they don’t believe in or serve the same God the same way we do. If we’re constantly surrounding ourselves with people who believe and behave differently, we can discover that the world’s unbelieving spirit becomes an easy rope to cling to.

It’s so essential that every Christian in this world has a sincere relationship with God that people can feel. It isn’t the best idea to go to church on Sundays and act like the biggest Apostolic and then go to school or work on Monday and act like a totally different person. II Corinthians 6:14 reads, “Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?”

When we go back to our busy schedules, we shouldn’t leave our love for God at the altar on Sunday. Instead, we should bring that Holy Ghost with us like it’s a brand new pair of Chuck Taylors we just have to rock. This way, people in the world will see Him through us. John 17:23 reads, “I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me.” He loves all of us so much, and He wants us to relay that message to those who need to hear it.

On the flip side—like a pancake—there are church people. (I need to stop writing about food). If it wasn’t for people in the church reaching out to me when I was younger, I wouldn’t have anything close to the relationship with God like I have now. I cannot stress enough how essential it is to have church friends. If they’re true friends, they will pray with you, encourage you, lift you up, and strengthen you when you’re feeling down. God intended for us to work with one another to become who we should be for Christ.

We read in Proverbs 27:17, “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.” Let the wisdom of those who love God as much or more than you do strengthen you and push you to go the distance for God and the church. Make friends with everyone in the church! Sometimes we feel like we have to hang out with the same people every Sunday after church. Cliques totally defeat the purpose of being friends with people in the church. If we’re only friends with certain people in the church, that will cause separation and drama in the church. Also, we may not realize it, but the friendlier the church, the higher the guest rate. But it must be a sincere, friendly spirit. Reaching out to someone just to introduce yourself during meet and greet can go a long way.

So, to put this all together in one big pile of words, I would say that having a balance is essential in being friends with godly and worldly people. Hanging out with people in the world is okay if you’re in a safe—better yet—godly setting. Be encouraged by your church friends, and never take them for granted. Be a light everywhere you go, and blow people’s mind with the actions of a true, Apostolic young person ardently in love with Jesus Christ.

Carpe diem.

Paul, Ambrea

Hi. I’m Ambrea, and I love Jesus, adventures, great friends, and French fries. I am a seventeen year old recent high school grad making freaky fast sandwiches to save up for school and a future missions trip, seeking first the Kingdom, and living life one generic cup of coffee at a time.

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