
Posted by: in Inspirational on September 13th


When you hear the word “influencer,” your mind probably thinks of someone who has a great following on social media; whether they have 5,000, 10,000, 100,000 or more followers. That is, generally speaking, what “influencer” means to our generation. Many times we find ourselves scrolling through our Instagram feeds searching for inspiration. Maybe it’s fashion related, food ideas, wedding rings (maybe that one’s just me), or an event a church is doing that we think is awesome. My question today is “What are we actually doing with that content?” Are we intentionally allowing ourselves to be encouraged, inspired, and motivated to do something with the content in which we are viewing, or are we just letting it sit in our brains as we waste our time on the little rectangular screens?

Recently, my mother and I were taken off guard by a post that was made by someone that holds influence over us. It truly made us think about how much we allow other people’s lives and experiences to influence us. We were shocked at the specific content simply because of their respective role. We can follow all these people on social media that we’ve never talked to in person, and may never actually meet. What we are putting into us, will stay inside of us, or it will come out. It may be released through our attitudes, our emotions, our words to others, our prayer lives, and even our ministry. 

There are so many reasons as to why this is important, but there’s one I want to specifically focus on. Nobody is perfect. I love those aesthetically pleasing feeds just as much as you do, but the reality is that no one’s life actually looks like that. No matter how crisp and clear influencers make their life, family, or relationship seem, there is no existence of perfection on earth.

 There is also significance in honoring God’s Word while we are posting, viewing, and liking content on social media. Philippians 4:8-9(NLT) says this,

“And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. 9 Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you.”

Is what I am posting respecting and most importantly, obeying The Word of God? We all use filters that make our photos look better, but does what we post go through a Jesus filter before we post it? Is it pure and lovely in The King’s eyes or am I just trying to please the eyes of men? Is the fruit that we are bearing from this part of our lives good and healthy? Will it help someone else or hurt them? How am I influencing my followers and friends? It’s easy to forget about this when we are scrolling by ourselves, but there is more than one pair of eyes that sees what we see. The alarming part of this is that He knows what we are thinking when we look at it too. Does what we view make us think purely?

Using other people’s boundaries and guidelines for certain areas of our lives can be good and helpful, especially if it is someone you look up to spiritually, but remember, ministers will make mistakes too. Looking to The Word of God should be our first and foremost source of influence and inspiration. I understand those words have been frequently repeated throughout this piece, but I want to convey something that is relatable and understandable for all who may read it. The Bible truly is the inspired Word of God. Why would I sell myself short of being directed by The One who spoke my life into existence?

Today, I encourage you to make a commitment that is Biblical. Maybe it is time to make a small change in your life or on your social media page that allows you and your followers to think purely and whole again. Remember what life was like before we had such easy access to the internet? Reflect on some great memories you made when your phone was out of sight.

Romans 12:2(NIV) “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.


Hannah lives in Northwest Arkansas, attends Calvary Tabernacle Bentonville, and works as an administrative assistant for a local and well-loved breakfast spot. She loves serving in CTKids at her church, baking, and enjoying the beautiful natural state during all seasons.

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