Extravagantly Simple

Posted by: in Inspirational on March 29th

Everyone has a dream. For some, it is to be a preacher who carries the gospel to unknown corners of the earth. For others, it is to lead a great multitude of people in worship unto the Lord. For yet others, it may be to have a successful bus ministry that brings in kids by the vanload. If you have a desire to be great for the kingdom of God, your dreams may have coincided with these. The question before us then, is, “how do we become great?” How would one become a leader of their generation?

When I consider these questions, my answer inevitably leads to more. More praying, more fasting, more reaching out, more teaching. Be more. Be a better teacher. Be a better leader. Meet more people. Then you will be great, right?

When you see successful ministers or people who are successful in anything in life, they seem to be put together so well. Advice flows easily out of their mouths, and the wisdom of their experiences can seem daunting. They tell stories of their first “big” moments—when the spotlight was thrust upon them and they were used mightily by God. From the outside, their lives can seem to be extravagant, filled with successes and accomplishments. But the way to get there? Be simple.

Consider David. He struggled with these same questions we struggle with today. His writings in the psalms are full of ups and downs. He goes from singing God’s praises in every way possible to cursing his own soul for being cast down. If David had such conflict within himself, how did he become a man after God’s own heart?

“One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in his temple” (Psalm 27:4).

Of all the earthly treasures David had at his disposal, he learned to value the important things: simply dwelling in the house of the Lord, beholding His beauty was at the top of David’s list.

The path to greatness has not been carved by social butterflies or convincing politicians. Rather, it has been paved by the quiet diligence and steadfast determination of faithful saints. The ones who spend hours becoming prayer warriors eventually turn into some of God’s most powerful weapons. The ones who teach the same Sunday school class every week are the ones who change lives. The ones who faithfully reach out to their community become the soul winners.

Greatness is not something that happens when you step into a spotlight. In fact, it often does not come with any sort of recognition. It is a simple resolve to accomplish something great each day, no matter how small.

My challenge to each person who reads this is to rearrange your priorities a little bit. How powerful would this generation be if everyone was diligent, fervent, and committed?

For greatness, at its core, is simply a quiet diligence.

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9).

Be diligent. Be faithful. Press forward. Run, walk, inch, crawl if you must, but don’t give up. The road to greatness is often long, and only the most committed make it to the end. Dazzling moments may come one day, but true greatness lies in the simple ones.

My name is Ellerie Duvall, and I am from Grand Prairie, Texas. I am currently a student at the University of Texas in Dallas. I am a teacher, worship leader, coach, and Bible quizzer. Most importantly, I am a servant of the Lord and am actively seeking His plan for my life.


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