Caught Between Crowns

Posted by: in Hyphen, Inspirational on November 17th

Caught Between Crowns
I didn’t realize it, but I was making a choice.

So are you.

We wake up in the morning and often follow through the daily necessities without much intention. Clocking in on time. Running by the post office. Submitting the paper with thirty seconds to spare. Being both active and reactive to what presents itself before us during our routine. Never realizing that even in the commonality, we are choosing which crown we want to serve.

Most of us have never lived in a monarchy, and as a result we tend to westernize a very eastern methodology of kingdom-mindedness in our culture. However, throughout the entire Bible the correlation is always related to God and the church. The relationship is symbolic of how we are to view Scripture and understand the reality of the Spirit of God.

The inescapable truth is we will all serve a crown, the only question is whose kingdom?

No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.

Every single day we make the choice of which kingdom we will serve: that of man, or of God. In every decision we are either acknowledging His will to be done, or ours.

Often we can dance between this hybrid of emotions believing we can juggle both crowns—that of our self-serving human nature, and the exclusiveness and majesty of God’s throne. But a crown has never changed: it can only sit on one head.

Understand your major, your career, and your time all reflect what you serve. You’re making a choice whether you know it or not. We all are.

Choose to serve Him. His is the only crown worth wearing.

Edwards, Eric

Eric is married to his best friend, Rachel, and has one little girl, Evelyn Rose. Together they serve as the young adult pastors at New Life Christian Center in Lancaster, Ohio. He enjoys being outdoors and adding to his collection of books.

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