A New Day’s Resolution

Posted by: in Inspirational on February 27th

New Days Resolution, A
Remember those New Year’s resolutions? As we are now more than skin deep into 2016, most of those New Year’s resolutions have probably already faded into the distant memories of January. You were going to work out twice a day, remember? You were only going to eat healthy food, remember? You were going to keep up with your BREAD Bible reading, remember? You were going to pray and fast more, remember?

The problem with New Year’s resolutions is that they are just that: New Year’s resolutions. They don’t provide a backup plan for when you fail or fall behind. However, you don’t have to wait until 2017 to make a decision to start again. You can start again today! Here are some tips to help you get back on track to accomplish your goals so you can make the most of 2016:

Start where you are
One misconception about most resolutions is that you have to start at the beginning. I remember when I was first trying to read my Bible through in a year. I failed year after year. Most years, I couldn’t even make it past Deuteronomy. Then, one year, I decided to start where I had left off the previous year. I didn’t finish my Bible that year, but I did finish it the next year. Maybe it didn’t take you three years to read your Bible, but I was a slow reader. No matter what your goal is in life, you don’t have to start over. Start where you are!

Use what you have
I’ve heard the excuse many a time, “I can’t raise money for Sheaves for Christ; I don’t have enough time or money.” Remember the parable of the talents? Don’t complain that your one talent isn’t enough for God’s kingdom, giving up all hope that you will be used and burying your talent. Give what you have, and God will bless you with more time, money, and talents.

When Moses stood before the burning bush, he must have felt very insecure. He couldn’t even speak right! He didn’t have the talents he thought were required to be used of God. So God asked him, “What is that in your hand?” Moses replied, “A staff.” You see, Moses had a staff that day because Moses was just a simple shepherd. He wasn’t a preacher. He wasn’t an evangelist. He wasn’t even a janitor at the church. But God used that simple, seemingly insignificant staff in the hand of Moses to create a snake, turn a river into blood, split a sea in half, and win a battle. God can take your seemingly useless talents and do amazing things.

Do What You Can
“I can’t run a marathon,” you might think, but you can run a lap around the yard. You might not be able to afford a trip to the Amazon to preach to the Indian tribes there, but you can share your faith with your friends. You might not be able to post a high score on the SAT, but you can post an encouraging comment on your friend’s Instagram. You might not be able to sing like Jeremy Camp, but you can sing at the nursing home and minister to those who need a young person’s strength and vision. No matter what you can’t do, you can always do what you can! God doesn’t expect any more. Life isn’t about the opportunities you never get; life is about taking the opportunities God gives you!

Moses went from a stuttering, poor shepherd who was rejected by Egypt and his own people to becoming one of the greatest men of God. He led the Israelites out of Egypt, witnessed countless miracles, and wrote the first five books of your Bible! Why? Because Moses started where he was, used what he had, and did what he could.

No matter how many times you fail, always get back up. No matter how slow you are going, you’re still lapping those on the bench. You will never get anywhere waiting for next year. I challenge you to make a New Day’s resolution today!

Alders, Nolan

Currently, I am seeking to finish a master’s degree in theology at Urshan Graduate School, and my wife and I are serving as the youth pastor at Christian Life Center in Nacogdoches, Texas. My passions include God, ministry, young people, and education, while I also enjoy speaking, writing, traveling, hiking, and coffee.

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