3 Hard Questions

Posted by: in Inspirational on October 10th

3 Hard Questions
Humans have a lot of questions. You and I have a lot of questions. There are questions we ask of people we look up to. How did you end up…? When did you first get to…? How did you ever meet…?

We even have questions of people we don’t quite look up to. What were you…? How did you ever…? Who asked you to…? Why…?

Life is full of questions and often the hardest questions are the ones we ask ourselves. What would you do and how would you respond if someone were to ask you some of the same questions that bounce around in your head? Sometimes the most revelatory answer to a question is another question. Don’t you love it when someone answers your question with a question? So, in order to give you some answers, I want to ask you some leading questions because even God asks some questions.

The Lord asked Elijah a hard question. “What are you doing here, Elijah?” (I Kings 19:9, 13).

What am I doing here?
This question is asked all the time in the classroom, at work, and at the mall with your awkward cousin. But when is the last time you’ve asked yourself and given an honest answer? Have you asked yourself at church, school, and with your friends, “What am I doing here?” The more important question is this: what is God doing here?

Am I closer to God today than I was last week, last month, and last year?
God doesn’t change (Malachi 3:6) but you and I do. Take inventory of what has pushed you closer to God this week, and then ask the harder question. Ask yourself, “What has changed in my life that is pushing me away from God?” It’s hard to change it if you don’t face it. Is there something staring you in the face that is keeping you exactly where you were last week, last month, and last year?

If someone were to copy every detail of my life, would I want to be them?
Would I look up to that person and be proud of them? Would I be impressed and respect someone just like me? This question is hard, so be honest. This is truly a, “What are you doing here, Elijah?” question. Take a moving snapshot of your walk with God and your direction today. If someone else were to do the same, would you follow them where they were going?

Asking hard questions like, “What am I doing here,” can help us take a look at the “right now.” God has a big picture view of our lives which is why He’s able to look past our imperfection of “right now” and see our direction.

So, where are you going and what are you doing here, Elijah?

Dietmeyer, Kevin

Kevin Dietmeyer is a graduate of Christian Life College and the student pastor of Iglesia La Roca in Hollywood, Florida. He is passionate about connecting young adults with God and to their individual call to ministry.

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