Uncomfortable Open Doors

Posted by: in Hyphen on May 8th

Uncomfortable Open Doors

Transitions are always weird, whether you’re stepping into a thrilling new chapter of life with all the glam and sparkle a twelve year old girl could imagine or you’re slowing the pace and easing into a slightly monotonous routine that resembles the geriatric ward down the street. Unfortunately, God uses these times in life to teach us invaluable lessons. Have you ever been in a place where God opens the doors and leads you into a direction you wanted but had no idea how uncomfortable it was going to be? That’s me. *raises hand as a single tear runs down face*

This past year I prayed for specific direction and God began to open doors. Imagine that! He opened one door at a time, and He was opening each one into a more and more specific direction. The path He was pointing to was crystal clear and I was loving that! Soon, He opened the big one I was waiting for, and as I walked through the door and stepped into this new place, the awe and amazement quickly wore off.

This idea I had hoped for that seemed so glamorous came with new struggles I hadn’t accounted for. It came with extremely frustrating transitions, and I felt like I was being stretched beyond my breaking point. I couldn’t balance all the responsibilities I had before me and felt as if I was failing everyone, including God. I immediately began to question His will. “Wait, this isn’t what I wanted! This is too much! I can’t handle all of this. You’ve got something wrong here,” I cried out in frustration.

Months passed and I was still unable to figure out why God would open this door, clearly lead me into this path, only to have me on the verge of breaking. For a while, I was bitter with where God had me. I felt trapped in something I didn’t want and was overwhelmed with circumstances. I became extremely negative, and quite frankly, I was being petty about the situation.

Finally, I heard God’s voice over my complaints. He told me to trust Him. He also told me a few more things I want to share with those who may find themselves in similar situations.

He has a plan.
“A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps” (Proverbs 16:9).

It may not look like it, but He does. He always does. Sooner or later certain pieces will fall into place and you’ll see the masterpiece He’s been working on all along.

Do all things without murmuring or complaining .
“For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. Do all things without murmurings and disputings” (Philippians 2:13-14).

This one is plain and clear. A negative attitude is not pleasing to God, and complaining does not fix anything. It only makes you more resentful and unthankful for what you have been blessed with. If you absolutely have to complain, complain to God in prayer—that’s where you’ll find the real changes.

You are being stretched and prepared for His plan.

Biblically, the wilderness usually signifies preparation for something great. Joseph was sent through trial after trial before being placed over Egypt and practically saving the entire known world from great famine. Moses spent time on the backside of the desert prior to being used by God to deliver the Israelites from Egypt. While the children of Israel were in the wilderness, God gave them the commandments and ordinances to live by so they could keep the blessing of the Promised Land. Because of your troubles in the wilderness, you will be able to handle the blessing without misusing it and neglecting it. If you try to skip the process God has you in, you do a disservice to His will and yourself. Great things always come from struggle.

Believe it or not, He really does have it all in control and did not make a mistake.
“Knowing this that the trying of your faith worketh patience, but let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing” (James 1:3-4).

If Jesus took the time and energy to die on a cross for your sins, you better believe He has a plan for your life. His plan is not to make you comfortable; His plan is to perfect you.

He speaks peace, rest, and strength into your life if you will let Him.
“The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower” (Psalm 18:2).

The enemy wants to convince you that you have not grown through your transitions. He wants to convince you that you’ve wasted time and haven’t gotten anywhere since this time last year. If he can convince you of this, then you will continue to rehearse your mistakes and you will not walk in the growth you’ve made. Don’t believe the lies. You have made progress. God is doing far more behind the scenes than we realize right now. Don’t try to skip the process.

While I still don’t quite know where this will take me, or how much longer he’ll keep me in this place, I’m trusting His plan is perfect and complete as long as I continue to follow Him. I am choosing to see Him as the truth He is—the only constant in the busy, hectic life I’m in. He is the rest where the weary do find rest (Matthew 11:28-30).

So, choose to walk through that uncomfortable opened door God placed before you. We will meet on the other side seeing all the glorious things He has done in us, with us, and through us along the way.

Hudspeth, Sarah 768

Sarah is the Hyphen contributor for InsideOut and a recent graduate of Urshan College. She is now happily married to Jordan Hudspeth with whom she serves the Hyphen group at The Life Center in Saint Petersburg, Florida. You can find her on Facebook and Twitter.


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