Transitions: Weird Spots Under God’s Control

Posted by: in Hyphen on May 16th

School has come and gone. The hype of ending the semester and graduation has finally come to a halt, and here I am with everything planned out and lined up for the next few years. Right? Wrong.

Like most of you, I am here at a crossroads; a time of transition; a point of change. To be completely open, I am in a weird spot. I am moving from a place full of growth and discovery to a very familiar place called home, where I will not necessarily fit in the same as I did before. This is a weird spot—not bad—just peculiar. I have only come to this place by growth and change. As much as I anticipated and planned for the journey of college, there has not been nearly as much planning and “readiness” for life after college because I was so wrapped up in the present. The end of that era came much faster than I ever expected, and here I stand with my entire life before me, leaving me both ecstatic and anxious.

I have realized over the past few years that there are more people in these “weird spots” than we might recognize at times. Dreams don’t always go the way we envisioned, we get opportunities and grow in ways we didn’t expect, life happens, and most of the time God surprises us with His plan when we’ve been so consumed with our own.

There is a time to plan and organize every move and decision because God has given us the free will to do so. He has given us talents, abilities, and wisdom to use them as He calls us into the world. Remember this because too many times we make the will of God much more complicated than it needs to be. Go, and make godly decisions based on what He has given you. Be a good steward of your gifts and knowledge. However, there is also a time to rest on His hand, wait for His guidance, and see where His opened doors may lead.

Our planning and decisions are pointless if we are not leaning on and listening to God, trusting His timing, and staying sensitive to His Spirit. Proverbs 16:9 teaches, “A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps.” This verse clearly shows the importance of planning on our part, as well as our dependence on God’s perfect planning.

We are free to make decisions and take opportunities, but it is of utmost importance to know and fully understand God is the one who makes the way for us. He has given us talents and anointing, equipping us for the future He has for us. He has ultimate control of the finances we will need. So, if you are in a weird spot in life right now, be encouraged and know more people are in similar situations than you may think. Not everyone has it all planned out. And when they do, it hardly ever turns out the way it is planned.

Let’s continue to do our best with what God has given us. Make decisions, but know God is in control of all the things that are beyond our reach. When we fully understand the sovereignty of God and His goodness, our lives will automatically be filled with more peace and surety.

He knows we are in these stages of life, and He is still working in us and through us. Do not get frustrated with the process, but continue to seek God daily. I can assure you these are times we will look back at and wonder how in the world we didn’t see God’s hand at work in our lives.

James 1:2-4 My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

Sarah is the Hyphen contributor for InsideOut. She hails from South Carolina and recently graduated from Urshan College in Florissant, Missouri. You can find her on Facebook and Twitter.


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