Hyphen Tour 2016: Join the Movement

Posted by: in Hyphen on May 20th

Hyphen TourHyphen is the international young adult ministry of the General Youth Division. We seek to connect young adults to service with purpose through resources for a mission! Hyphen is currently experiencing dynamic growth from a local to a global level. We believe “The Hyphen Tour 2016 – Join the Movement” will be a life-changing experience that intentionally serves our desire to connect young adults to mission.

Statistics prove that twenty-somethings leaving the church is not a new problem solely describing the millennial—or Hyphen—generation. What is staggering, however, is that the Hyphen generation is the first generation feared not to follow suit in returning to the church once they reach their thirties and start a family. The possibility of Hyphens leaving the church and never returning to God magnifies our responsibility, while also presenting us with an unprecedented opportunity to reach the Hyphen generation and keep them connected to God.

The church does not need Apostolic millennials who are living with one foot in the church and one foot out the door. The church needs Apostolic Hyphens with one hand tightly clutching Truth and the other hand in the world grasping for the lost! Even though the statistics paint a terrifying picture, I am thankful to report that young adults around the world are accepting their reality as a Hyphen, a person existing in a space between, created for the purpose of being a connecter between their world and their God. The Hyphen generation is activating their God-given mission to “Be a Hyphen.”

This is why we’re excited to embark on our fourth Hyphen tour. We have experienced God transform the lives of young adults all over the country. Many who were on the edge of leaving the Pentecostal movement have had their faith reignited and are currently productive members of their congregation. Others have been healed, while still more have experienced a refreshing of the Holy Ghost. We expect that our fourth Hyphen tour will be the best one we have experienced yet!

The Hyphen Tour 2016 is themed, “Join the Movement!” After the tour stop in Wisconsin in 2014, Pastor Brent Coltharp tweeted, “Amazing event, scratch that, movement. I have been impacted this weekend. Honored to be a part of the #HyphenTour14.” One definition of a movement is “a program or series of acts working toward a desired end.” We believe God has an “expected, or desired end” (Jeremiah 29:11) for the Hyphen generation.

We simply want to provide an opportunity for young adults to be reminded that God has not lost track of them and He still has an “expected end” for each of their lives! The Hyphen Tour 2016 will serve as an intentional environment where Hyphens can connect to God and move into the life and ministry they were created to experience.

The Hyphen Tour 2016 features several unique aspects:

  • Purposeful interaction through discussion questions
  • Short, impacting sessions built directly around the life of the young adult and delivered in a way to inspire change and growth
  • This focused teaching and preaching is done through careful matching of speaker and topic
  • Powerful God-moments through simple and mature praise and worship
  • Each portion (discussions, pauses, sessions, panels) builds one upon the other
  • The Hyphen Tour 2016 locations and dates include:

  • October 7-8, Cincinnati, Ohio
  • October 14-15, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada
  • October 28-29, Pensacola, Florida
  • November 11-12, Portland, Oregon
  • Registration for these incredible weekends will go LIVE on July 1, 2016. Please visit our website, www.hyphenonline.org, for more information and to register for the tour stop closest to you.

    Einstein, Albert 500

    Hey Hyphen, if Albert Einstein who was one of the most influential physicists of the twentieth century thinks this adds up, shouldn’t you? Don’t miss the incredible opportunity to “Join the Movement” by attending The Hyphen Tour 2016—coming to a city near you!

    Keller Promo Pic -  Color

    Kristin serves as worship leader and promotions director at New Life Christian Center in Lancaster, Ohio. She also serves as the ministry director for Hyphen, the young adult ministry of the General Youth Division. In 2005 she graduated from Indiana Bible College with a Bachelor’s Degree of Arts and Music and in 2007 from Liberty University with a Master’s Degree in Business Administration specializing in International Business. In 2014 she graduated as Dr. Kristin Keller from the Institute for Worship Studies with a Doctor of Worship Studies Degree.


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