The Real McCoy Weekend

Posted by: in Events on November 20th

Before I actually went on this trip I had no idea how incredible the Real McCoy weekend would be. Getting beat at demolition ball AND laser tag by the GYD executives was only part of this incredible weekend. I had the opportunity to meet nine other young people who know what fundraising is all about. Seeing Brother Mann, Brother Williams, and Brother Francis, along with their families, outside of a church setting was truly an interesting yet amazing experience. I had the chance to see that although they may be the head of the youth department for the UPCI, they know how to have fun and are “down-to-earth” individuals who inspire you. One of the highlights of this trip for me was seeing what Sheaves for Christ really does. We had the opportunity to meet up with Brother and Sister Richardson (missionaries to Madagascar) after church at “The Sanctuary.” They showed us the vehicle that SFC had purchased for them and explained what a blessing it will be when they go overseas. It was neat to actually see a tangible product of SFC that was going to be used for the kingdom.

My story…

At the Oregon district youth camp, our youth president, Revered Stan Gleason, challenged each of us to write down an amount that we felt God wanted us to give for SFC. I wrote down $250.00, because our youth group was planning a reward beach trip for those who raised at least $250.00. I felt God nudge me to write $1,000.00 instead. I did not have a job or any kind of steady income; I had planned on maybe trying a Bike-a-thon or something similar to raise that amount. I was looking at myself and seeing the limitations that I had. So I hesitated but eventually scratched out the $250.00 and put $1,000.00 instead, knowing that it would have to be a “God thing” if it actually happened. Almost exactly a week after that service, our youth group leader’s daughter “randomly” called me and asked if I wanted a job at the pharmacy where she works. I started working there, and almost forgot about the $1,000.00 pledge, but God soon reminded me of the commitment. As the deadline came I drained both of my bank accounts I had saved from work and added up money I had already given for SFC that year, and it came up to $1,016.00—proving to me and providing a testimony that God will make your effort go farther than you thought if you put your trust in Him rather than your own abilities.

I was raised in church like many of you reading this; I’ve heard stories my entire life about how God provided the need for “this situation” and “that situation,” but I never truly experiencing it for myself until this happened. I’m eighteen years old, and I live in Portland, Oregon—not a preacher’s kid or a MK. If God can use someone like me to provide an offering of over $1,000.00, He can certainly do it through you. I challenge you to revamp your motives for raising money for SFC.

You may ask yourself while you are in the middle of a grueling SFC fundraiser, “Is this really worth it?” The answer is yes, for more than one reason. Jesus told us in Luke 12:48, “unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall much be required.” We are going to be judged based on what we do with what has been given to us. When it boils down to it, SFC is not necessarily about vehicles and helping those in need—although those are both phenomenal ways to fulfill the great commission. It’s about souls … heaven or hell … an eternity with God or without Him. The money you have been trusted with could make the difference of one or more people coming to know their Creator and experiencing His indescribable love and saving power. The funds you raise could change eternity for someone. SFC is about souls… putting the tools in the hands of those willing to go … putting the great commission in motion.

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