See You at the Pole

Posted by: in Current Events on September 21st

It seems like just yesterday I was in my senior year, completely engrossed in all Wakulla High had to offer! I remember the pep rallies, student council meetings, chorus concerts, and all the other events that go hand in hand with being a high student—such as “See You At the Pole.”

I didn’t realize the significance of showing up in the school’s courtyard. I didn’t know the importance of standing in a circle around a flagpole, while holding hands and praying. It just seemed fun and a lot of the other kids in the school’s Christian club were doing it.

In a few days, I’ll be turning twenty-four, and now. Now, I understand. It’s more than just a tradition. It’s a vital stand for Christianity in our country. That’s right! You as a teen, student pastor, or youth worker are making a statement when you show up on campus to attend, or even organize and run the meeting.

Our world has done all it can to keep Christ out of our schools. Separation of church and state was a law meant to keep the government from favoring or enforcing any specific religion. It was meant to protect the churches, not ban their influence! It was never meant to stop Christians from openly celebrating religious beliefs and practices such as a day of prayer for our country around the flagpole. People have tried to stop it, but we have our First Amendment right, which says the government cannot prohibit exercising our religious practices or our right to peacefully gather together.

If you haven’t made plans to attend a “See You At The Pole” meeting, I strongly encourage you to do so. The Bible teaches “it’s the little foxes that spoil the vines.” That means we need to pay attention to the “little” things the enemy would do to destroy the Kingdom of God here on earth. If we slowly start to neglect this meeting, it’s just one more way the enemy wins in trying to keep God out of our schools. But if the little foxes spoil the vine, I like to believe it’s the little things we do to fight for what’s right that can strengthen our movement and commission as Christians and Apostolics!

On September 26, show up to your school and take a stand! Get your youth pastor to come. If your school hasn’t organized it, let your principal know you are taking on the task. They cannot tell you “no!” Let everyone who has tried to take Christ away from our money, our holidays, and our schools see that we are not backing down. A simple little action such as participating in “See You At The Pole” is something our world needs to see happening!

Some Practical Ways to Get Involved
1. Determine is a “SYATP” gathering is already planned for your school. If so, just join in. If not…
2. Organize a “SYATP” event at your school. Secure a staff sponsor, recruit student leaders, create and post fliers, etc.)
3. Promote “SYATP” to your friends and classmates by posting your plans to Facebook and Twitter.
4. Once “SYATP” is over, tell us all about it. We may just publish your story on InsideOut.

For resources, visit

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