2013 Youth Day

Posted by: in Current Events on October 11th

Here we are, on the last day of General Conference 2013. The day began with more seminars tailored to the various needs and callings found within the church body. Some seminars included a split session for women called Ladies in Action. This was a session of seasoned women of the ministry offering their mentorship and wisdom for younger women in ministry. On the other hand, but in the same Spirit, Pastor Anthony Mangun spoke to the gentlemen of the UPCI in the Apostolic Man service.

Following the seminars, everyone gathered into The auditorium for Youth Day. It began with the sound of thousands of young people and adults, creating a sound like the abundance of thunder and rain. The former youth president, Shay Mann, announced the incredible Sheaves for Christ offering total, which was over a half a million-dollar increase from previous years with the total for 2013 being $3,567,082.44. He also addressed the congregation by reiterating the powerful “Activate” message, which has been the theme for Sheaves for Christ this year. This message and theme is one that calls the youth of today to allow the Spirit of God to activate their lives, compelling them to do more for God and His kingdom.

In this service, the youth president of the year was also announced. And the winner was Brian McCoy from the Texas district. He helped the dynamic youth constituency of Texas to raise $333,339.99 for Sheaves for Christ.

Following this, the General Youth Division’s new youth president, Michael Ensey, was introduced while the roaring congregation welcomed him into the new position. Along with welcoming the new president, the church honored the former, Shay Mann, and his beautiful family as they exit this position and enter into a brand new chapter in their life. After much prayer and a vote by the ministers of our organization, another new office member was elected. Matthew Johnson, was welcomed as the new secretary for the GYD.

LJ Harry received the microphone and in a humorous, yet effective way organized the offering portion of the service. Following this, Matthew Johnson and Johnathan Nazarian briefly spoke on the brand new, exciting GYD ministry known as Project 7, or “P7″, which is a middle school and high school student-led Bible club program. It receives its name from the seven crucial years between middle school and high school that students have the chance to influence and reach out to their fellow classmates.

After Kristin Keller and the worship team took part in ushering in the presence of the Lord, Pastor Brocc Chavis of the North Carolina district approached the pulpit, and with power and authority began to preach the Word of God. He articulated, declared, and reminded the church of the strength that lies within us.

In Daniel 6, we come to the understanding that there are some places you just don’t want to be caught in. Not many people want to be found in a lion’s den situation similar to Daniel’s. The reality is danger can present itself anywhere, at any time. We live in a world full of dangerous places. Babylon was not a safe place to be in either. However, Daniel did not conform to the ways of Babylon; he remained steadfast in his identity. We need to remember and understand that we are in the world but not of the world.

Even before you figure out what you are, you need to figure out what you are not. You are not a statistic, a failure, or a desecrated minority. If the world realized the power and position you have as a child of God, they would be the fearful ones. The truth is the den belongs to you. If God allowed you to go there, He will surely bring you out. You have no lion to fear; the Lion of the tribe of Judah was the same lion Daniel brought with him to the den. Thus, that same incomparable Lion remains with you in your den. Pastor Chavis reminded the youth that where we are does not dictate who we serve.

He declared power is not where the anointing is, but position with Almighty God is where the power lies. You do not get in position with God on a platform; you get in position by yourself, just as Daniel did in prayer. It starts in a secret place. With conviction and anointing, he boldly stated, “If we’re going to have what the elders had, we have to do what the elders did. It would seem that we want an apostle authority, but we don’t want a disciple discipline.” We cannot let our accomplishments change our position with God. It’s all about Him.

There may be lions in the place you are or will be, but always remember, with God you have authority. If you are in position with Him, nothing can defeat you. While Daniel was exposed to danger and put to the test, the lions in the den were exposed to Daniel’s position in the Lord. Their fury was no match for the power of their Creator.

In this incredible service, there was a resonating reminder that our position with the King of Kings is the only position that matters. The church left with the understanding that God’s power is revealed even in the lowest of places.

To view the photos from Youth Day, please click here.

Rachel Thorne was born in Florida and has lived in many places throughout the United States. She is currently attending Urshan College, formerly known as Gateway College of Evangelism. She wants to make a difference and change her world. Rachel is actively seeking the will of God for her life and is willing to do whatever He has for her.


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