Do You Like Gifts? A CMI Story

Posted by: in Campus Ministry on August 15th

Do You Like Gifts2

“Then Peter said unto them, Repent and be baptized, everyone of you, for the remission of your sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost” (Acts 2:38).

On January 13, 2017, over 200 campus ministers representing more than ninety different campuses from at least eighteen different states gathered in an auditorium at the University of Louisville. Earlier that day, these same campus ministers had canvased the campus with thousands of flyers inviting students to the service taking place that night. When the time finally came, the level of faith and expectancy that God was about to do something special was through the roof.

Before the service began, we determined that there were twenty-one students from the local college who were there and had never received the gift of the Holy Ghost before. We believed God was about to change that.

As the praise team began to sing, the CMIers (what we call our Campus Ministry International leaders) began to pray and worship as they would in any other church setting. It did not matter that they were standing in the middle of one of the most secular environments in our world today. It was somewhat funny to watch the faces of those students who had never experienced an Apostolic service. It was obvious as they stood wide-eyed, with their jaws on the floor watching what was going on around them, that many of them had never seen anything like it before

After the worship service, our General Youth Division president, Michael Ensey, preached about “The Greatest Awakening”—tying the Book of Acts to the revival in the early twentieth century and eventually to what God is still doing in our world today. At the close of the message, an invitation was given for anyone who had never received the gift of the Holy Ghost to come and pray. Many of the students quickly came, desperately desiring the experience they had just heard preached.

Before it was all said and done, seventeen of the twenty-one students who had never experienced the infilling of the Holy Ghost left with the greatest gift they could ever receive! On top of that, eight students were baptized in the name of Jesus for the remission of their sins in a horse trough that was set up in the foyer of that auditorium! What an incredible night it was!

But, the story doesn’t end there.

After the service was over, a small group of CMIers went to Denny’s to grab a late night meal. Being filled with faith and thanksgiving because of what they had just seen, they decided they would pray over their meal while standing up. As they stood and began to pray, their waitress came over and asked if she could pray with them.

Without missing a beat, one of the campus ministers looked at her and asked, “Do you like gifts?” The waitress replied, “Yes, I do.” He then said, “Well, good, because you are about to get one!” In the next moment, those campus ministers laid hands on their waitress in the middle of the restaurant and God filled her with the gift of the Holy Ghost!

But the story doesn’t even end there.

While they were praying with their waitress, a customer was watching what was going on from behind a glass, swinging door. She would open the door and listen and then close the door and watch. She did this several times before one of the CMIers went outside and asked her if she would like to experience the same thing the waitress was experiencing. Shortly after, that customer lifted up her hands and began to weep as the gift of the Holy Ghost began to flood her life!

These stories represent just a few of the multitude of testimonies that could be shared as a result of CMI chapters around the continent. There is simply no greater gift anyone could receive than the gift of the Holy Ghost, and we have an opportunity every day to share the incredible news that those with whom we come in contact can receive the greatest gift ever given.

If you are interested in being a part of the incredible things God is doing on the campuses of North America, please visit

Saucer, Kaleb

Kaleb Saucer serves as the director of Campus Ministry International. He has been actively involved in campus ministry and youth ministry for the past eight years. Kaleb and his wife, Ellerie, are currently living in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

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