You. Go.

Posted by: in AYC on January 25th

Feel like you’re going in circles? Tired of the mediocre?

If you’re like me, you grew up constantly daydreaming of faraway places with the desire to see new things! The Eiffel Tower seemed so grandiose and like a dream, towering through the sky in my World History textbooks, but so far from the classroom I was sitting in at that moment. I thought, one day, if I could only get there, I would be satisfied for the rest of my, life and I can go on living normal life here in my small hometown.

In 2009 the time finally came! My cousin called me with overwhelming excitement and told me about the AYC trip to France that was hosted by the General Youth Division. Before we knew it, we booked our flights and paid our fees were paid. It was time!
When I first visited France, I arrived with an overwhelming satisfaction. “Yes! I finally made it!” However, upon returning home, something went terribly wrong. Oh no! I’m not satisfied. I have to go back for a longer time! Lord, send me again. Lord, send me anywhere.

Every year the General Youth Division hosts several different venues of destinations for Apostolic Youth Corps. If you’re ready to step out of your comfort zone and experience a life-changing journey, then AYC is your first stop. You will enter the mission field with the headstrong passion of changing other people’s lives, but in return you will find it is the people and churches that will turn your life around. It is absolutely amazing to watch God’s hand encompass you as the anointing fills your life in ways you may have never experienced. God will shape you into a new being and open the door for you to fulfill the destiny He has in mind for YOU!

I know a step like this can be very intimidating for some. If you’re not a social butterfly or an outgoing person, it can be very scary to enter into a venture like this alone. I have experienced feelings like this, but through much prayer and concentration, I overcame. It helped me step to another level in confidence for myself and transformed into a confidence in what God wanted to do in my life. Plus the relationships you build with young people who have the same passion will secure a firm foundation of friendships that will last the rest of your life.

If you have a passion for people; if you have a passion to reach new spiritual heights in God and a desire to experience new things, then you are an AYC candidate! It’s time to step out on faith and take the forever leap on what may be the most impacting, fun, moving, hilarious, and anointed moments of your life!

You. Go.

Join other Apostolic students on a life changing missions trip. The 2013 destinations are as follows:

Cambodia – June 6-17
Kenya – June 14-24
Germany – June 21-July 1
Dominican Republic – June 28-July8
El Salvador – July 5-15
Peru – July 12-22
Miami FL – July 22-29

February 1st (global) and March 1st (North American) are the deadlines to have your application and a $100 deposit in to the General Youth Division. The rest of your trip can be paid for in three monthly payments.

The trip application and more information can be found at

I am 26 years old and from Fort Worth, Texas. I currently work at the Alvarado Intermediate School and have the honor of claiming over 750 kids as my own. God has been so good to me, and His blessings have been abundant. I enjoy going on missions trips in the summer and am always excited about His next step for my life.

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