
Posted by: in AYC on September 17th

AYCAlaska17I know it is a bit cliché to say, but AYC has definitely changed my life. Seeing such a strong hunger for God in Alaska was one of the most beautiful as well as heart wrenching things I’ve ever experienced. So many of the people in Alaska didn’t know God before, but they were hungry for something more. Their cups were empty, but by the grace of God, He filled their cups.

Before AYC, I wasn’t very good with witnessing to people wherever I went, but God changed that. During outreach, I noticed I would stay back when it came to speaking to people. However, I would pray with the people. That wasn’t enough. On day two of outreach, I saw a lady walking along the side of the road and I could feel her hunger, but I was afraid to talk with her. I told the group that we should go to her. A man in the group told me to go up to her and witness, but I told him we all could. He told me, “If YOU don’t go talk to her, she could be a lost soul and you’ll regret it forever.” I know it was a bit blunt, but that was just what I needed to hear. I went up to her and she started pouring her heart out to all of us. After conversing for a while, we asked if she wanted for us to pray with her, which she gladly accepted. We prayed with her for a while, with her speaking in tongues in the end. What my fellow AYCer said to me has really stuck with me, and it has been easier to talk with people since then.

When you wake up each day, God gives us the opportunity to be a witness. We are all called to be a witness! “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8).

Praying with people in the streets, on porches, and praying them through to the Holy Ghost over a lemonade stand were some of the most amazing things I have ever witnessed. Here’s what I got out of this: people aren’t just people—they’re SOULS. We need to witness to them so when the day comes, we can say we have no regrets because we took every chance we had to witness.

“But THIS IS THAT which was spoken by the prophet Joel; And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams” (Acts 2:16-18).

Many of the AYCers received their callings from God during this AYC Alaska trip. Some had visions. Some shared their testimonies, and we all felt an overwhelming presence of God throughout the week. I never thought I would be one to go on an AYC trip, but when God called me to Alaska, I wasn’t about to pass it up. I made His purpose my passion. I never imagined what all God would do there, and He did the miraculous.

Young Apostolics, whether your calling is to become a Sunday school teacher, youth leader, pastor, missionary, or something else, I encourage each and every one of you to go on an Apostolic Youth Corps trip. It changed my life and I know it will change yours.

I see a worldwide revival rising up because we young Apostolics are chasing the call, and we’re letting God use us in ways we never imagined He would.

Honkanen, Emma-Lee

My name is Emma-Lee Honkanen. I am sixteen years old and from Green Bay, Wisconsin. I homeschool but lead two Project 7 clubs at two of my local high schools and love every minute of it. AYC has made a huge impact on my life, and I hope to attend more trips in the future.

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